Diabetes screening at Chilia with Getz Pharma
By Aiesha Q
Dec 05, 2022
Diabetes is one of the most prominent diseases in Pakistan. According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) 2021 report, Pakistan has the highest national Diabetes
prevalence in the world. The recent IDF Atlas estimates that there are 33 million people living with type 2 diabetes in Pakistan. Moreover, the Diabetes problem in Pakistan has
compounded, since 49.7 percent of people living with type-II diabetes are undiagnosed. SHINE humanity is making a commendable effort in order to improve the quality and
quantity of screening tests for Diabetes so we can curtail the number of undiagnosed cases, which according to the IDF Atlas is currently 8.9 million. SHINE humanity in collaboration
with Getz Pharma and our zealous youth volunteers conducted a Screening Camp at Chilia on the 16 th of June 2022. Our model uses HbA 1c is heavily reliant on random screenings
which is designed to rapidly detect diabetes in its early stages or prediabetes, before the disease reaches severity.
This screening camp offered the population of Chilya, situated near Thatta, an opportunity to get tested for Diabetes which is otherwise a herculean task due to the unfortunate lack of
medical institutions is the area. SHINE needs your donations for setting up workshops in similar locations.