SHINE Humanity Chicago Fundraiser 2023
By Hareem Khalid Baig
Aug 23, 2023
The SHINE Humanity Chicago Fundraiser was held on Saturday, 19th of August 2023. We are grateful to Dr. Maleeha Ahsan and Mr. Ahsan Siddiqui for hosting the fundraiser and ensuring a successful event. The evening agenda included a presentation by Founding Member Dr. Salman Naqvi and Executive Director Naila Ahmed on SHINE Humanity’s efforts to provide quality primary care services to underserved communities. The organization’s programs were expanded upon and how they impact the health and well-being of not just patients but entire communities. The evening drew to a close with a beautiful display of fireworks, delicious food, and great company. We are grateful to our friends and donors who came out to support our cause and look forward to hosting another successful event next year!